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This HAS to be the most depressing song ever made.

With a song title like Winter Kills, what can one expect? After all, it was created by Yaz, a group that was one half Vince Clarke. Vince was a founding member of Depeche Mode but quit before their second record was released. He then teamed up with bluesy singer Alison Moyet and they became Yaz. Unfortunately he left Yaz after a couple of albums... hey what kind of work history is that? Good thing he never had to explain why he was always job hopping to the average hiring manager at today's typical work you to the bone for pennies a day job.

In any case, over the twenty-four years since Yaz released their album, "Upstairs at Eric's" and my brother came home with it and popped it on the stereo, this song has been a true kill-joy for me.

I sadistically enjoy it.

The stripped down sound contrasts sharply with the electro-synth vibe of the rest of the record. It's an incredibly simple arrangement, only a piano and Alison's voice, dripping with emotion. Sometimes I just want to listen to it just to see if the tears will still roll out of my eyes when I hear the final lyrics.

"Pain in your eyes makes me cruel
Makes me spiteful
tears are delightful
welcome your nightfall
How winter kills."

If you are ever feeling just a tad too chipper, this one is for you. Definitely give Winter Kills a listen.


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